The flatlands of Manitoba, was the blank canvas that had cultivated my creative upbringing. In my youth, I embraced an introverted nature. Drawing, has been my outlet of expression through life’s journey thus far, and has been my voice that speaks without words. Mediums I had always connected with are: pen, marker, and acrylics. When I’m not drawing or tattooing, I’m passionate about hiking and other outdoor related activities, while spending time with my loved ones.
I moved to Kelowna in 2017, and within the move, unfurled my vision to merge passion with profession. 2020 was the milestone of my journey into the tattooing community. I’m so grateful for my experiences and teachings during my apprenticeship, which has transformed me to become the person and artist I am today.
My preferred style is within the realms of Newschool, Neotraditional, with a dark and gothic flare. Transforming organic elements that sparks emotion and curiosity, simultaneously merging the energies of Chaos and Cosmos. Through my connection with spirituality and the gruelling nature of the darkness and light that life offers, my style has merged into an energy that encapsulates my story. I enjoy listening to heavy metal while drawing, which assists in my creativity.
One of my goals as a tattooist is growth towards large scale projects, such as full sleeves as well as back pieces. I’m motivated to continually learn new fundamentals and techniques. I aspire to apply seamless transitions of black and grey shading, and in the future I would like to be versatile in colour-work. As an artist, I strive to improve my style by drawing every day. As a tattooist it is vital for me to connect with clients to ensure they feel comfortable and safe during each step of the tattooing process. Communication is essential to arrive to a finished piece that we’re both confident in! My intention is to enhance the body’s natural curves and tones, and make lifetime memories and connections with artists and clients throughout my travels. Thank you to those who have embraced me with open arms, into the tattooing community. I am grateful and humbled to be here today to share and experience this sacred Art.